Effective Neighborhood Revitalization
The faith community has long been an important force in improving local communities and promoting effective neighborhood revitalization. In fulfilling their mission to lift those in need, faith-based institutions historically have been the anchor and are often relied upon to be a resource during periods of economic transition.
Empowering the Community
Unlike their secular counterparts, many faith-based organizations are often uniquely suited to bring together residents and local leaders to address pressing challenges and to empower people to improve their lives, the lives of their family members, and their communities at large. This makes it critical to ensure that faith-based institutions are strong. CP2 LLC can assist the faith-based institution in this effort.
See What Housing Finance Experts Have to Say:
Faith-Based Services
It is vital that faith-based institutions are positioned to function as a long-term staple. To ensure these institutions are sustained, CP2 offers technical assistance which focuses on the institution’s strengths, leadership qualities, and the community it serves.
- Organizational Assessment
- Strategic Planning
- Organizational Planning/Structuring
- Early Action Implementation Planning
- Organizational Budget Preparation
- Housing Development Workshops